What Are Genital Warts?
Contagious sexually transmitted disease (STD), genital warts is a contagious infection caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) and affects both men & women.
The infection is chiefly transmitted through sexual contact and can occur in the penal or genital area.
It can also spread through skin to skin contact including oral & anal sex or genital area contact. Genital warts affect only the topmost layer of your skin.
At present, there is no genital warts cure but its symptoms can be managed through natural & home remedies.
Know Your Causes for Genital Warts
Once exposed to the HPV virus, genital warts may develop in weeks, months or even years as the virus can become dormant upon infection. Moreover, it is difficult to know the infection cause.
A highly contagious STD, it can spread from person to person through direct skin contact.
Here are Some Causes for Genital Warts:
- The main route for transmission is the HPV virus
- STDs make you more prone to genital warts
- Infected people with no symptoms
- By having multiple sex partners you are at an increased risk of an infection
- Skin to skin contact with an infected person
Identify Genital Warts Symptoms
In women, wart formations are commonly found in areas of the scrotum, vagina or anus. For men, these warts appear on the penis, testicles and also on thighs, groin or the anus.
The warts appear as fleshy formations that are soft & painless, occur singly or clustered.
Do you have These Genital Warts Symptoms?
- Itching & a sensation of burning around area of sex organs
- Tiny gray, white or yellow bumps on sex organs
- Blisters that are tiny-sized, painful & fluidic
- Achy back, headache, fever & swollen glands during an infection
- Increased vaginal discharge
- Difficult urination
People remain asymptomatic (no genital warts signs but can transmit the disease) in majority of cases & only a small percentage with the infection develop these warts.
Get Genital Warts Natural Remedies
Although there is no genital warts cure, you can try popular genital warts home remedy in case you prefer natural treatments over modern medications. These remedies are safe, easy to apply & cost effective.
- Application of fresh aloe vera juice directly on to the affected parts is useful in dissolving warts.
- Pure vitamin E oil is found to be effective in genital warts treatment. Apply directly on warts in same way as apple cider vinegar
- The most popular among genital warts natural remedies, dab a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply over affected part with a band aid or fixed gauze. Change twice daily and continue for a week or until the warts fall off.
- Add salt to onion slices and keep in a covered container overnight. Apply juice appearing on the onion slice twice a day to the wart in similar way as with vitamin E oil.
- The sap of fig plant or papain concentrate can be applied with gauze or tape to your skin and left overnight.
- Apply the fresh sap fro stem or leaf of milkweed directly on warts once daily. It is effective and causes no irritation.
You can also increase foods containing sulfur & amino acids in your daily diet such as citrus fruits, asparagus, onion, garlic & egg.